Friday 15 March 2013

Artisan Luxury Chocolate Truffles

How Luxury Chocolate Truffles Came About

Nowadays, you will commonly find luxury chocolates in individual truffle form, molded in various shapes and available in a multitude of flavors. These luxury chocolate truffles look so fine and elegant, having been developed in the sweets market as gourmet dessert, an indulgent treat, or a very special gift. With their increasing fame today, have you ever wondered how they actually came about? Where did this invention begin?

A French Invention

Chocolate-making became popular in the 1820’s when the cocoa press was introduced and thus paved the way for the creation of the famous dessert that people around the world are very fond of now. It is said that in France way back during the 1920’s, it was the culinary figure Auguste Escoffier who discovered the chocolate truffle accidentally. According to the legend, his apprentice had mixed hot cream with chunks of chocolate by accident which led to their discovery that this blend can actually be molded by hand into miniature balls. They then rolled their fresh creations in cocoa powder. This was the birth of luxury chocolate truffles. Later on, as their popularity spread throughout other continents and countries, more chocolate producers came up with their own versions. They eventually launched a variety of flavors and twists that made the entire selection in the market very interesting and enticing.

The Little Mushroom Look

In the kitchen of Auguste Escoffier, the new creation was said to resemble a small and wild mushroom called the truffle. This real truffle was associated with wealth and power because it is only eaten by members of royal families and by very affluent people in France. Hence this is how chocolate truffles became known as luxurious treats. As time went by, truffles continued to be symbols of affluence and therefore became popular presents not only in France. This type of chocolate spread across Europe and traveled all the way to North America and to the rest of the world.

Chocolate Truffles Today

At present, luxury chocolate truffles come in various forms. They are not limited anymore to the bumpy ball shape that they started out with. Today you will find several truffles shaped like small squares and even hand-painted with edible exquisite designs and patterns. They are cast ganaches dipped in delicious flavors and mixed with other tasteful delights such as nuts and creams. Sometimes, these truffles also refer to ganache-filled chocolates in different shapes.

Why Chocolate Truffles are Luxurious

Aside from the origin of the name, chocolate truffles are considered a luxury because of how they were carefully handmade by well-known and talented chocolatiers. A lot of creativity, skill, and love were injected in their creation and this is also one of the reasons why they come with expensive price tags. Nevertheless, all of these factors have contributed to why luxury chocolate truffles remain to be a special treat up to this time. They signify prosperity, magnificence, and beauty all rolled into one. Thus, when you give a person these delights, they truly appreciate it and are flattered to have been thought of highly. Click here to visit our site